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Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements
Huntsville Pre-nuptial Agreement Attorney
Pre-nuptial (before the marriage) and post-nuptial (after the marriage) agreements are becoming more common. But, they are by no means routine. You should have legal representation especially if you have substantial assets or rights to protect and preserve.
Regardless of whether you are married or contemplating marriage, having an agreement on how assets and debts will be handled in the event of a divorce can prove quite valuable. Let Huntsville prenuptial agreement attorney Rebekah McKinney help ensure fairness and your peace of mind.
A pre-nuptial agreement or post-nuptial agreement should be a custom document that addresses the particular facts and circumstances of your marriage. And, if they are not done correctly, they can be unenforceable. Put our experienced prenuptial agreement attorney to work negotiating and drafting a fair and reasonable agreement that will be enforced if and when it is necessary.
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